
Why is my iphone such a piece of S**t???

by  |  earlier

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No reception anywhere, ever, for any reason. I live in a major metro and I can't place a phone call if im not standing on the freaking interstate. God forbid I'd ever have to call 911 from home. A battery life that gives me about 3 hours of continuous use. Occasionally the thing's touch screen doesn't respond or just randomly freezes. Now its not taking a charge. Has anyone heard any word of a recall? What options are open to me besides just breaking contract? God I hate this phone! I only bought it because it was relatively cheap and I wanted something that would stream pandora, im not some inerd tech wannabe. This thing is a piece of c**p!




  1. Dude its likes to rip people off like hardcore.  

  2. yes, it is a piece of ****! its a terrible phone, but everyone thinks the hype is enough to buy one.

    apple will never issue a recall. The numerous class action lawsuits against the reception (in several countries) will probably be cheaper to settle then a recall would cost, so theres no point of a recall.

    The things you are complaining about affect every single iphone.

    get a nokia n95.. it supports pandora

    To the person that said the iphones battery life has to do with everything it has on it.

    #1. the iphone does not do  background programs. When you calculator is on, everything else is shut down.. this is why when you get a call, you are booted from anything you are doing.. you dont pause it.

    #2. My phone has twice the features that the iphone has, and i get 6 hours of usage.

    The reason the battery is so terrible, is because apple cut costs. This is also the reason the reception is terrible.

  3. The new iPhones (iPhone 3Gs) have been experiencing technical difficulties ever since they came out (all the same problems you have). Apple is working on fixing them, but they may not work. The battery life is horrible because there is so much stuff on it (phone, calculator, ipod, itunes, texting, GPS, and ALL the Apps you download). My suggestion is that you take it to apple and if it's still under warranty, you'll get a new one. As for the service, that's a glitch in the system. Hopefully, they'll fix it soon.

  4. Take it to your nearest genus bar in a apple store. They will look at it for free. If you bought it less than a year ago you should be able to get it replaced if its unfixable.

    Click on the link below to make an appointment.

  5. if i were you, id check up on your warranty. that, or bring it back to the store that you bought it from and complain. no one wants the hassle of having to deal with an overpriced piece of junk that isnt even reliable.

    I LOVE the sarcasm in your question. Totaly made my morning! haha. good luck though

    Here's something that i hope will make your morning too. (Apple vid in general).

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