
Why is my kitten peeing on the carpet?

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I have two 12 week old kittens. They are fully litter trained but one of them prefers to go on the carpet. She will be walking down the hallway and just pause and squat about 4 feet away from her litter tray. Have stopped her going in a few of her favourite spots with the old bowl of food trick but would like to get to the root cause of the problem. She is fine in herself, eating normally and running about as kittens should and uses the tray to pass solids. I change the tray once a day and remove any soiling as often as possible in between.




  1. just keep holding her head in the puddle when she does it, she'll soon get the message

  2. well maybe that one cat would like a seperate litterbox for her pee and her p**p

    Or maybe she just does not want to share unlike the other kittens.

  3. Most experts recomend that for every cat you have, you should have 1 extra litter box.  If it's covered, try an un-covered one and vise-versa.  Also, try a new location.  If she is going in a regular spot, put the litter box there, then slowly move it to where you'd like it to be.  You also have to be sure to COMPLETELY remove the smell of urine from where she's had her accidents.  If you don't, she'll continue going there.

    Also, going outside of the litter box is the first sign of a urinary track infection...if it continues after trying the changes, take her to the vet with a urine sample.

    Good luck!

  4. most likly the kitty is sensitive to smell and the box may be dirty for her.  keep the box very clean,  correct the bad behavior when you see her do it and clean that area so that there is no scent left behind.

  5. some cats dont like to share a litter tray i had same problem and now i have 2 litter trays x

  6. I hate that! You can never tell why they start but you have to clean with special rug spray to get rid of any trace of past accidents or they will keep doing it. You can get the spray at the pet store, they even come with a black light so you can see hidden spots and stuff(you will wish you never knew about!) They have an air freshener that you can get there that will send out a cat soothing scent to stop that kind of behavior. It is very pricey though, around 40$.

    Good luck

  7. you could try different litter!

  8. maybe its a bladder infection get it checked out wiv ur vet. My cats over 11 yrs old and believe it or not shes still peeing everywher, i assume shes lazy coz no one else knows the answer.  

  9. everytime she goes to squat as u say, rush her to the nearest litter tray. maybe take her to the vets to see if she has a problem, i know its unusual in kittens but bladder weakness or somehing like that which unables her to hold it in? my kitten and all my other cats ive had since kittens have never done this which is why im thiking she may have a mecial problem especially as u say she is fully litter trained?

    good luck, i doubt its serious! x*x

  10. In my experience, you can't train a cat.  If they don't go in their box, they could either have a urinary tract infection or they have an issue with the litter box.  

    Talk with your vet about it.

  11. it's a kitten just like a baby  

    think about this why do baby's pee in there nappie's=

    because it doesn't no how to use the toilet

    same with the cat doesn't no how to use its litter teach it how to like you do with babies

  12. after you get the second litter box, make sure you clean the litter boxes every morning and change the litter once a week.  cats don't like using dirty litter boxes.  

  13. aww...she is only a little baby - she'll learn as she patient

  14. There is a few possibilities. Most likely is she has a UTI or just a weak bladder and is trying to get ther but cant make it sometimes. The other possibilities is she is letting you know she doesnt want to share a ltterbox. Take her to the vet get her checked for any urinary problems. If there is none, try to set up a second tray somewher else in your home. Hope this helps

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