
Why is my kitty not close to me any more?

by Guest45116  |  earlier

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I don't know what happened. she used to be so close to me, she'd come up in my bed every night and sleep with me, and she'd pretty much live in my room and she would do anything for my attention, sit on my keyboard, rub against my leg, etc. Now, she stays downstairs and doesn't come up to my room much, when she does she goes under the bed, instead of sleeping with me, even if I pat the bed and she always came up when I did that. She barely paws at my door to let her in like she used to, she kind of just sits there and when I open the door, she doesn't rush in like she used to she just walks in whenever she wants. It breaks my heart :[

What can I do to make her happier with me? What do you think I might have done?




  1. Don't be worried, I have a cat who had the same problem, she even hid herself when I came in the room. I do not know why, but after a while she was her self again. Cats are very independent and sometimes want to show it..

  2. my little boy has done that to me tons of times before, i always think hes mad at me, but he always, after a few days, starts being a sweetie again..

  3. It could be just natural adjustments due to age and the fact that she is spayed. I am taking my kitty to get spayed next week and I worry about that. I'd say as long as your kitty doesn't run from you you should be okay. You could also try giving her treats! My cat loves whiskas temptations. I know it sounds weird, but my kitty is so curious about water and so one day I was going for a bath and decided (since she was sitting on the edge of the tub) that I would bring her in the water with me. She was mad at me for two days. So I decided to give her some treats and low and behold, she loved me again.  

  4. i think you must have accidently done something which hurt her or maybe she is pregnant. they stay a little away when they are carrying.

  5. Perhaps you being a bit 'needy' - cats can tell and you must know how stubborn they can be!   She may be too hot/too cold/too full/too fed up/too tired or quite simply fancies a change.  I'll bet given time (and a little bit of ignoring from you) she will come round.

    Sometimes they just like to show you who's boss!

    Dogs have owners - cats have servants

  6. cats are very finicky animals. my cat will come up and sleep with me when i turn music on. she has never let me pick her up. she does not like to be petted. i just go with the flow, accept her for who she is, not for who i want her to be. in the end we get along fine and she really does bring much joy into my life.

  7. Cats are very independent and doint need people as much as we need them, you have not done anything wrong give it time and the cat will come around again, DO NOT TRY SO HARD,

  8. Cats are very independent. I have gone through this with all 4 of my furbabies. I don't know how old your kitty is but I do know that as he or she gets older, they seem to get more loving. When they are young they like to explore the world that is so new to them and there isn't time to cuddle. Give your kitty a little time. Get kitty some new toys and maybe some treats and try to set a playtime every day at the same time. My cats love empty boxes and toys that rattle.And don't give up.  

  9. Probably because she's grown up now, and fancies being a bit more "adult". It's nothing you've done, it's just her.  Cats are independant-minded and decide for themselves how they wish to behave.  She may well change her mind in due course, you never can tell . . .  

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