
Why is my laptop charger overheating?

by  |  earlier

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i don't get whats wrong with it, it's so hot it actually burns me and it takes forever to get it to actually charge when i plug it in, and it makes my laptop overheat a little.

Can someone tell me whats wrong with it i have alot of work to do and i can't afford to let it break.




  1. i just bought a charger for about 7.78 on ebay it does the exact same thing it drivingmy insane this is my thrid charger in 2 months please help me PLEASE!!!!!

  2. My laptop charger overheated so i brought a replacement and now this one has stoped working too, can you advise me what to do next.

  3. my charger is buring and starting to smell. it gets super hot . but it still works. how cnan i make it stop burning? y should i do thts cheap

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