
Why is my left gland tingling and swelling whenever I eat? Food allergy. I had Chinese takeout last nite and?

by  |  earlier

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it started then. Since then I've been eating only bland foods today and it starts tingling and swelling all over again. Only on the left side of face. Should I take Benadryl?




  1. could be anything in there that you are reacting to... MSG, soy, wheat, the protein, the list goes on and on.

    Benadryl should help if this is a histamine and not an intolerance issue. Please be aware that you can get drowsy on it and should not be driving or having any alcohol while taking it.

    If this continues for over the next couple of days, or if the gland becomes red, enlarges, or you see any red streaking or you develop a fever, please see a doctor asap.

  2. Monosodium Glutamate - Chines food is full of it

    Benadryl won't help, sorry, you just have to wait until it clears your system

  3. hmm.. that's happened to me once or twice before, but then again I'm allergic to a lot of things.  Benadryl definitely wouldn't hurt, be prepared to be very sleepy though.  Feel better!  

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