im sick and tired of men, every man in my life has f***ed up. my dad is bast*** and i dont even know him. My aunts husband is a pr*** and so is my grandad. ive had alot of family probs in my life and the poeple that marry in to my family are a s***w up? is my family cursed or something? im scared of having a close relationship with men coz im afraid of getting hurt, i hate them! i really am starting to feel that maybe its meant to be like this for me and that my familys cursed
i thought that maybe all men arent the same when i was in a realtionship for 11 months then that was a big s***w up and i actually really liked the guy. i have some male friends but still seem to hate on men. will i ever stop or is this a phase? im sick and tired of being in a world were men are so self absorbed and cant care for a girl or be just the tiniest bit sensitive. i was told that im quite a deep person and quite attractive by many people but i hate it when im walking down the street and the only thing a guy looks at is the **** or b***s, dont guys ever want anything else ina girl. why are men so imature and cold hearted?