
Why is my manager mad at me????

by  |  earlier

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I inquired about a higher position in another department at my store and my manager told me she didn't think it was a good idea. I went home slept on it and decided it was in fact a great idea and realized she just didn't want to lose me as an employee. The day after she was off and I asked her manager if I could interview for it. She delightfully said yes and I interviewed for the position today. I come back from the interview and my manager is upset saying that I went over her head which is not true.My Assistant Manager also informs me that I hadn't been with the company long enough to receive a promotion. If that was the case why did their manager o.k. it? I hate that my manager is upset. What should I do? By the was my manager receives a bonus if the department does well, and since I perform extremely well that could be the problem.




  1. Look at it this way if she had the opportunity she would've done the same thing. And your right why did the other manager say ok? But I think that if you don't get the other position and stay with your old manager she will try and make things hard for you. So be careful when you do things like that because no matter what managers stick together.

  2. Managers don't like to lose people. HR will usually blame the manager for attrition (which in some cases is not true).

  3. As a manager myself i gotta say that i would probably be upset also. If your manager said she doesn't think it would be the right move for you, he/she probably has his/her own reasons, and going over his/her head(even if it wasn't intentional) was probably seen as a slap in the face. I'd talk to her, let her know how you feel/ let her know you didn't mean any disrespect, and hopefully things should work out. good luck!

  4. What you just did was burned your bridge to your next great job. You disrespected your boss by going over her head to get the approval to interview with the other dept. as well as wasted their time because you haven't been employed there long enough to even transfer. You could of used your boss as a reference, but now you screwed that up.

    You need to apologize to your boss and stop playing games. Give up the idea of transferring until you have been employed there long enough to do so. The next time you want to interview, tell you boss and don't go over her head!

  5. You have to look out for yourself, sweetheart! Your manager will eventually get over it. That's a bit selfish of your Mgr.

    Go for it!  ;-)

  6. Your manager told you no, and then you went behind her back.  Of course she is going to be upset.  

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