
Why is my menstrual bleeding going on for over three weeks? Is it becoz I just had an abortion? ?

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Why is my menstrual bleeding going on for over three weeks? Is it becoz I just had an abortion? ?




  1. We know nothing about your medical history or what kind of abortion you had. Consult your doctor.

  2. It sounds like you are hemorrhaging, you need to go to hospital for medical attention

  3. Bleeding can last 4 to 6 weeks but do you see it getting better or is it heavy if its heavy you should contact a doctor right away. If its just spotting then its pretty normal.  

  4. go to your doctor ASAP because there is something wrong with you and there will be problems


  6. That is not menstrual bleeding! You need to call an ambulance NOW!!!

  7. after the abortion im asuming u would bleed ( like miscarriage )

    so could it be u have got ur period at the same time?

    this happened to me after my miscarriage i was scared stupid saw the doctor but thats what had happened

    speak to your doctor to see if they can help put ur mind at rest x x

  8. Dude you'r infected. Go to a DOCTOR IN the RIGHT NOW VARIETY.

  9. If you just had an abortion you will bleed for a couple weeks. If you fill a pad in one hour and do that for two hours (in a row) then go to a doctor.

  10. after a miscarriage or birth you bleed for a few weeks so I would think it would be the same after an abortion .If you find the discharge is smelly or it changes to red blood or you have pain go see a Doctor straight away.

  11. Are you experiencing any pain with the bleeding? See a doctor is you are!

    After having a D & C after having a miscarriage I bled for at least 2 1/2 weeks so I would think what you are experiencing is normal. If your bleeding is really heavy it would be a good idea to consult your doctor.

  12. Generally you will bleed in a period-like manner for roughly 3-7 days after an abortion. However, if the bleeding is heavier than your normal flow, has lasted longer than 7 days, seems thicker than normal or doesn't seem right you should see a doctor. As this has been going on for over three weeks, I suggest you book and emergency appointment and get yourself to a doctor, pronto. This isn't normal!

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