
Why is my mom making me the bad guy?

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First of all, I'm a teen....My mom took my bank book w/o asking and took $50 of my $500 some dollars i've been saving up. she says she'll pay me back so i said 'cool'. Then I said I was going outside to give bank book to my dad so he can keep it safe (he's good like that). She got really angry and said in a nasty tone "Fine. be that way." then i wanted to cook dinner (I LOVE to cook!! it relaxes me) she said no, so i said that i'd just be on my computer, so i might as well cookshe said even angrier "FINE!! Do waht YOu want. You'll do it anyway." So i went to my computer all sad and listened to music. she came up and said "I'm taking that computer away!" That's my story. So am i doing anything wrong here?Thanks! answer before my computer goes away! ahh




  1. Holy h**l your mom is a b*tch.

    Dont worry, so is mine.

    I have about a year before I can leave.

    Try really hard to tough it out, okay? Thats what my bf always tells me, even though its hard.

    Moms just do stupid things sometimes, and unfortunately theres nothing you can really do about it.

    But, no, I dont think you did anything wrong.

    She had no right to take your money without asking, regardless of what she has done for you in your life. Its just not right and she's being very immature.

  2. are your parents divorced or angry at each other? because if they were your mom might just be a little mad that you gave you bank book to your dad. but that is kind of mean. does your mom usually act that way? did you ask her what her problem was? or was that special time of the month? i say just ask her why shes so mad at you. but maybe say it nicely.

  3. i dont think you are at all.  

  4. Regardless of your age, whether your 5 or 15, taking your cash without asking your permission is just wrong.

    I`m not sure if this is theft, but wrong it is.

    Apparently, she is angry for you not having all that cash available for her use, and is trying to 'get back at you'.

    I`d seriously consider moving out asap. This is definately not a good situation to be in.

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