
Why is my mom so against me?

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I am a mature adult, i graduated high school with excellent grades, have a good job and don't ask for anything for god sakes i dont even live at home! My mom use to be so good to me untill she met her boyfriend 3 years ago. Ever since then i don't even talk to her because she attacks me non stop! She use to be my best friend and now is my enemy. I have never done anything wrong and i have never been in a trouble but she tells all her friends i am "THE VIOLATOR." She took the car i was paying for and sold it and she will randomly call me just to tell me i am a disapointment. I don't get it....what have i done wrong? I don't do drugs or break the law, i have never used foul language at her but she thinks i am a monster! My brother does drugs, dropped out of high school and lives at home talks to her like $hit and she treats him like a prince.

I really can't even talk to her anymore because if i call her just to say hi she will pick a fight. Whats wrong with her?




  1. My mom the same to me. but she has a drinking problem i suspect drugs again also.  I wish you the best of luck. my advice is to move on life to short to waist time with people that treat you bad.  

  2. Metapause!!!!

  3. Well, sometimes people end up with people that make them totally different from the person we use to know.  So i can see why you would think the boyfriend has something to do with her behavior and it very well may.  You may never know why so if I was you I would just try to deal with her as best you can.  When she goes to pick a fight with you next time maybe you just need to tell her Mom I love you, you have raised me well, I am not like my brother and I am on my own and I am not going to fight with you anymore.  Then each time she starts to go off on you say I love you but I have to go.  

  4. I feel similar with my dad. I am a good kid. I'm paying college all my own, I just bought my first car from my hard earned money through a good paying government job. And my dad ALWAYS finds some kind of fault in me. No matter what. And on the other hand, with my brother who is a drug dealing, low life, no job, idiot (dont get me wrong i love him)-my dad treats him like hes so cool and never tells him what hes doing is total stupidity.

    I really dont get it. If you find out, tell me.

  5. Hi Ashley,

    I am very sorry to hear your story - you must be so disappointed and hurt by your mpther´s behavior.

    I recommend you to stay away from her.  She can probably feel jealous of  your youth and she might be feeling insecure because of her new love relationship.  Maybe her boyfriend told her that you are cute or something like that.

    Stay away, do not call her, do not visit her.  It will be good for you.  Otherwise she will be destroying you.  Now, if she calls you and changes her attitude, be nice to her, forgive and forget.

    I am sure that she loves you as you are a precious person, responsible, loving and kind.  She will get back to you, be patient.


  6. shes messed up and jealous. dont worry im 16 and already said bye to my mom. ignore her make ur life a happy one. w/e makes u happy. if u r the angel u say u r then she will regret one day not u. dont stress.

  7. Maybe she is having lots of frustration, and no one to help her relieve it. Maybe she prefers someone flawed to someone close to perfection. Similarity helps relations.

  8. very often the good child appears to be a threat to a parent who is less sure about her choices and success in life.  She resents you for you being good.  Your brother is not doing so well, so she is not threatened by him.  Was the car in her name.  If so, I would sue her for the money that you paid on it.  If she admits that you had a verbal agreement and you are over the age of 18, that should be good enough to get your money back.

  9. Metapause!!!!

    Sounds like she started drinking heavily.

    She sounds mentally unstable. It may be an illness or just the fact she's got so many changes going on in her life right now, especially with a boyfriend (which should tell you


  10. Sounds like she started drinking heavily. Sounds like my mom.

  11. She's the one with the problem. Stay away for a longer period so it won't affect you that much. lt's difficult to deal with someone (more so with a mother) who has gone berseck. ls she into drugs or drinking or anything that can cause change of behavior? lt could also be she's in a stressful sitution that likely focus on you as shock absorber.

  12. She sounds mentally unstable. It may be an illness or just the fact she's got so many changes going on in her life right now, especially with a boyfriend (which should tell you something about her right away).

  13. Ashley, your Mom is irrational.

    There may be some hormone problems, but she is also experiencing cognitive dissonance, compulsive and asocial behavior.  Plus chemical imbalance, depression or drug addict.

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