
Why is my mom wanting to fight with me right before I leave for college?

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I am 18 years old and I am getting ready to leave for college in about 2 weeks. My mom is quite literally going nuts! She has all of a sudden flipped this switch of hers and she just seems to want to fight with me over everything! What do I do because things are starting to become very personal and I am starting to become very upset. I am trying to just hold on until I leave but I can only take so much. I love my mom to death she is my greatest friend but she is pushing me away from her and I don't know what to do! This is such a bittersweet time for me. I am so excited to start this new and exciting chapter in my life yet so scared to go out on my own. My mom is not making this transition any easier on me. HELP!!!!!




  1. Don't go to hard on her. It's called empty nest syndrome. It isn't easy for her either to see her baby going off to college. Trust me, I'm sure she is happy to know you are doing something with your life, but she is just having trouble letting go. Try to be reassuring, and eventually she'll be ok. It is just hard for parents, but they always have your best interest at heart. Good luck.

  2. she is as nervous as you are , talk to her, tell her you will stay in touch and love her always

  3. You answered your own question.  She's IS pushing you away.  Not on purpose though I'm sure.  She is having just as tough a time as you are.  She's scared and she's lashing out b/c she doesn't know what to do with this new chapter in your life.  She's not in control anymore and feels she won't be able to protect you...less of a mother in a way.  Sit down when you aren't fighting and talk to her.

  4. she doesn't want the time to come for you to leave, she probably gets sad, because she knows your finally growing up and getting ready to be independent.

  5. Sh'e not pushing you away.   She is happy for you to go but also feels so's natural.

    When my friend  left for college which was 50 miles away from her home, her Mum cried all the way there and cried all the way back!

    Don't go hard on to her about you leaving.

  6. maybe she is having some issues dealing with you leaving, and doesn't know how to express that.  have you tried talking to her?

  7. obviously your mom is having trouble with accepting the fact that you are leaving and going to college and is just reacting although in a confusing way to you. she probably is having a difficult time herself of letting go and acknowledging the fact that you have grown up and are on your way to be completely independent of her. try talking to her and reassure her about any issues she may feel uneasy about. open communication is the best way of dealing with this. if she is open to admitting her insecurities with regard to this, than well and good but she might not want to admit it Patience is a virtue and remember that it won't be long before you are on your way to your life being your own. so indulge your mother a little .Good Luck!  

  8. thats your mom's way of dealing with the fact that you are gonna leave soon. and things are never gonna be the same as they were when you were younger and totally dependent on your parents. i used to do this a lot. whenever someone i loved was seperating from me, i'd become so rude with him or her a few weeks before they left that they literally thanked god when they finally left. that way i thought i'd feel less heart. and i felt detached from the whole situation. years later i realized that its ok to cry. its ok to tell the other person what you're really feeling. and believe me her heart must be breaking into a million pieces right now. but its not your fault. its no body's fault. its the natural progression of life and she'll have to learn to deal with it on her own. just be supportive of her during this time and if she gets too out of control, tell her how much its hurting you. have a heart to heart talk with her.  

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