
Why is my mother so hypocritical?

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She acts very religious around people outside the family but she cusses and is so negative and mean towards me from the moment she wakes up until she goes to bed. Also she can't keep a husband she is workin on her 2nd divorce and she is seein a new man who is married. She really makes me want to throw up and i can't stand to be around her, yet i am forced to because we live in the same house. honestly im not tryin to judge her but her behavior is really outrageous. she is the fakest person i know and god knows too.




  1. most people find it easier to speak to a specific way of life and belief system, but actually living up to it is a lot harder. It's why a lot of people get pushed away from all religion. My father for example would sit through church as a kid being told not to drink, smoke, swear and all that, then after church he would be at a BBQ watching the men smoke, drink, and curse, and this included his Pasteur. In life, image is generally more important to people than their actual actions. Learn from this, and remember only to preach what you practice first.

  2. because she loves u

  3. Some parents are just like that. believe me my mom is the same way just without all the divorces :/  The only thing you can really do is just keep out of her way. Its all you can do. If she ever treats you especially horribly or hits you, there is always child services.

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