
Why is my mouse pushing bedding at me?

by  |  earlier

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i have a female fancy mouse and she for some reason keeps pushing bedding at me when i put my hand in.

she comes and sniffs at my hand then starts pushing the bedding at me like she is burying my hand

i just got her like 3 days ago so i don't know if it is because she isn't used to me...

also she sometimes shakes/wags her tail is it because she is scared/ angry?




  1. One of my male mouse wags the tail and one of my famale mouse do it and i just got them they do it when they are mad... and the pushing the bedding may be they are hiding from you... mine close off their house door with bedding cuz they dont want to be messed with so yeah Go to and you may find out more... please choose as best answer and ill do the same for you so answer one of my quesitons... XD Good luck with your mouse.

  2. lol :)

    Mice will bury their food, and anything else they wish to stash. I guess she likes you and really wants to "keep you". Mostly, it is that your scent is still unfamliar to her, but the good news is that you aren't threatening to her, so she should warm up to you quickly.

    And I;m not sure exactly what that wiggley tail means, but my rats do that when they are unsure of something and are being cautious or adventurous. I've never seen my mice do that, but it's probably the same body language.

  3. Tail-rattling is a sign of aggitation or annoyance in mice.  She'll stop doing it when she's more comfortable with you.  It's *not* a threat-- none of the mice who have ever done this to me have ever bitten.

    I'm not sure why she pushes bedding @ you.  None of our mice have done this, although a couple of our rats have done it while playing.  In any case, after you and your little friend are better accquainted you'll learn what her various actions mean.

    Think about adopting another girl mouse as a companion for her, she'll be happier & you'll have twice the fun.

  4. maybe your hand smells like something that needs burying. or she wants to share her bed with you ^_^ push the bedding back on her and see what she does.

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