
Why is my mum always frustrated?

by  |  earlier

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When my dad took a long time to help her, in the kitchen, she totally gave up, on him, ignored him, and wouldn't include him, when we had cocoa. Is she easily irritated, or quick to give up, on him, or is it a sign of something deeper?




  1. maybe cuz she needs to get married or need to take a vacation ..or something

  2. she probably just upset at how slow your dad moves..She will get over it and put it all behind her. Tomorrow is another day.

  3. Well..sure. In one or two instances these happen between couples. Wife wants this husband wants that, wife gets angry or disappointed. What I'm trying to say is, in time they'll forgive each other. Sooner or later your mom will forget about it because small hindrances are a part of a couple's life.  

  4. Because she fells that she has to do every single thing that needs to be done. Would it really hurt your dad or you to do a bit more around the house to make her life easier.

    How would like to have to keep cleaning up after other people mess the same thing every day, day after day.  

  5. it's not about the cocoa or anything, her mind is somewhere else when she gets easily irritated because she is most likely irritated about this that happened in the recent past.  your right, something is bothering her

  6. It is a mis-match of expectations. Mum may think that what she needed is most important at that moment but daddy is not responding the way she wanted. This is about communications : if mum could express the urgency then may be daddy would react differently.

    May be mum is frustrated over other stuff but not saying them hence anything will irritate her. She needs a pair of listening ears.  

  7. Frustrations like this typically don't amount to much as long as they are communicating with each other.  If this type of behavior is constant and in a variety of areas then they may need some help.  You may want to talk to a counselor about the best way to approach this situation.

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