
Why is my new Tegu so restless and eager to run away?

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I recently bought a juvenile argentinian black and white (male) Tegu at a reptile convention in South Florida. He appears healthy and eats a lot. He currently has a 20-25 gallon long tank with a metal wired lid, 100 watt bulb for basking, water dish, proper substrate, and hide spot, as well as being fed often enough. Is it normal for his behavior to be agitated and restless however? He appears to constantly be pushing his head against the glass as if trying to escape, and has made numerous (and I do mean numerous) attempts to escape the tank by jumping from his rock up to the roof. Are tegus (especially juveniles) just naturally energetic and eager to escape any sort of containment, or is there possibly something wrong with his living environment?




  1. Tegus, are naturally energetic so, don't worry unless he starts to get burns on his nose then contact a vet.

  2. Unless I'm mistaken, Tegus are usually look don't touch animals.

    Many of them are very quick and flighty.

    I think there are some exceptions but normally you don't much handle them.  I think with a good amount of handling they become ok, but in general they are pretty restless.

    Hopefully someone can agree or rip this apart :)

  3. How recent? Probably needs some time to settle in and adjust for one. I'm guessing you got him at Daytona? After going through that he's probably a little on edge. Just make sure your temps, etc are right and let him settle in for a week or so.  

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