
Why is my newborn squirming so much?

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i have a 4 week old boy who squirms so much, that even when he is sleeping he wakes himself up and becomes hysterical. he does seem pretty regular poopie wise, if once to twice a day is regular. he eats like a horse, and does burp fairly well. sometimes it takes a little longer than usual. he also gets the hiccups after just about every feeding. may he be suffering from some form of reflux? he just never seems to be comfortable.. please help.. sleep deprived..




  1. do you swaddle him?  i am a huge believer in swaddling.  my son was very restless in his sleep and had to be swaddled to sleep at night until 4.5 months old.  i bet that will make a world of difference in his sleeping.

    my son also used to get the hiccups all the time as a newborn.

  2. swaddle him. babies at this age startle alot in their sleep.

  3. Do you you wrap him well? Many newborns need the security of a good wrapping to sleep comfortably.

  4. Do you swaddle him?  My baby got reflex around that age he cried all the time because he was always hungry because he spit up right after he ate each time so he never really was full.  We switched to Lipital AR it is thicker and works great he cry s less and is growing like a weed.

  5. Might need to change his formula talk to your doc.Sounds like he has gas,or is constipated

  6. your baby is eating - wetting 6 diapers and pooping well that is a sign you're doing a good job. swaddle him in a warm blaket, babies get gas and build up air so burp him. Hiccups ar normal for babies if he didnt have any than I would worry. He isnt suffering, just hold him close to you and sing/talk to your boy..

    -mother of a 6week old baby and a 5 year old... Congrats !

  7. Try swaddling him firmly when he sleeps so he doesn't wake himself up.

    Hiccups are normal.

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