
Why is my one yr old chihuahua l*****g her private part to the point where it's starting to turn pink.?

by  |  earlier

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She just came out of heat about a month ago. So I know it isn't that. She does this mostly after she urinates. Does any one have a home cure for her. Money is tight.




  1. She probably has an infection. Cranberry juice? That helps humans! I thought it was funny you asked this in the toddler section of parenting@!

  2. she may have an infection

    If possible go to the vets asap.

    If money is tight - who cares - its your dogs health !

    She may even just have a grass seed or something - prehapes she cut herself there !

    Good luck

  3. She might have an infection? I'd try taking her to vet, or googling for symptoms she seems to be having.

  4. my cure is call the doctor or go to a vet but there is a lot of reasons why she could be doing that like she is cleaning it for it is in pain or there is some infection you might want to get her checked out

  5. Is she pregnant? Female animals will do that when they are knocked up.

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