
Why is my partner irritatable with me?

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I recently spotted my partner out of work,when he should have been there,he obviously denied it to me,ever since he has been irritable when at home snappy and not himself,i have asked him what is wrong and he says he is just tired,yes he does work alot alot of hours,could i be worrying unneccasarily?




  1. No you're not. He denied something you saw with your own eyes. I would definitely keep a look out for more signs that he is cheating. You really need to speak to him about this as well.

  2. he is cheating you just need to find proof  

  3. how in the heck would we know why hes pissy?

  4. Maybe he is having an off day.  Men don't talk about things that are bothering them.  They feel they can fix it themselves.  I wouldn't worry just yet.


  6. Hes either cheating on you or your probably constantly intiriogating him when hes innocent consult it with your partner and let him know whats on your mind

  7. Unfortunately there's so many possibilities that could occur from this, and it's hard to tell what's going on. I agree it's weird that he's snappy at you when there's obviously no reason to be. I would be a little leary, it's possible you may have caught him doing something he shouldn't have been, either cheating, meeting up with someone or just skipping work. Does he like his job? I would say the only thing you could do at the moment is ride out his moodiness and wait to see  if anything changes, if he gets more secretive or grumpy, I'd say that you may have to address your fears to him in order to get a definite answer.

  8. Sounds like he's discontent. If he hasn't cheated on you, he's probably considering it. If you really want to make this relationship work, you need a face to face, heart to heart about his attitude. Hopefully, you'll be able to work this out.

  9. seems to me like he's mad cuz he got caught. maybe he's outta work and doesn't want you to know. have u tried calling him at work? does he still bring home a paycheck? if he's still working and still being a d*** then maybe he's just really burned out. my hubbie acts the same way from time to time. its not right i know. just ignore him. let him have his girly moods as i like to call it (altho not to his face.... unless he really makes me mad). we women vent when we're mad or pms, guys do it that way. if he keeps it up, then i would suggest sitting him down and talking to him. maybe he'll listen, if not, then start ignoring him. he'll get the hint soon enough!!

  10. you need to force him to communicate with you!

    Tell him you seen him while he wasn't "Working" and you want to know why... when he denies it again tell him that you SEEN HIM... and will not be lied too!

    and if he don't own up to that!  reguardless what he is doing if anything he is lieing to you! Trust Passion and Communciation is the main things you need to keep any relationship alive..

    do you want to be with someone who lies to you???

  11. Something is not right there.

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