
Why is my period late?it was suppose to be on mid july but it's august n no sign of period please help me.

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Why is my period late?it was suppose to be on mid july but it's august n no sign of period please help me.




  1. same boat!

    my LMP was 6|11. was supposed to get my next on 7|14.

    NOTHING! not even a sign that it's coming.

    i'm guessing you've gotten nothing but BFN's.

    head to the doc. see what they say.


  2. There are a lot of reasons your period could be late, for example stress, weight gain/loss, over exercising and certain medical conditions. I am currently inthe same boat right now, except I have missed June and July and I am still testing NEG on HPT's. I would just call the Dr. and book an appt. I have been driving myself crazy thinking about it.  Good luck, and I hope you get the answer that your looking for.

  3. If HPTs are coming back as a BFN then you probably are not ovulating.  Before I started taking clomid, I would have cycles that would last 60+ days.

  4. If you have had s*x than perhaps you are pregnant. If you haven't it could be from stress or if you play sports that could mess them up. Also depends on how old you are. Hormones play a big roll in the missed period. Anyway without a little more info that's all I can give you.

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