
Why is my period messed up?!?!?

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kayy well i'm 14 and i first got my period when i was 13 its been only about 8 months since my first ever period. it was going well but these past four months its been all messed up like one month i missed, then the next it came, then last month all i got was discharge. i'm really stressed about this. and scared. i havnt ever has sexually experiences except for masturbating sometimes. please help




  1. its totally normal, try not to stress about it so much! it will eventually become regular! good luck! :)

  2. It's very normal. The same thing has happend to me plenty of times. You're going to be irregular for a few years. I'm 13 and I got my period 2 years ago this month. ( i was 11) So nothing to worry about, it will straighten out in a few years or even more. Just don't worry, and masturbation doesn't effect your period at all. Just as long as your not sexually active, then it's all good! =]

  3. Don't worry! One time mine skipped for 8 months. It's fine, it's normal, it'll happen a lot.

  4. its going to be irregular for awhile its okay! its natural

  5. itll probably be like that for a while . i got mine when i was nine and now im eighteen . i skipped three months of period like last year ! i dont believe that happens to everybody though . the doctors will just put you on birthcontrol ... but it works =P

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