
Why is my platonic male fren buying me expensive gifts?

by  |  earlier

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He bought me bags when we went shopping... a diamond pendant and holiday for my birthday... and now a designer bag! Not to mention the frequent brownies & chocs. But, he never mentioned he likes me.




  1. you know why

  2. he's got money and he likes to shop

  3. He doesn't need to say it, he's showing it.

    Of course unless, you suspect that there's a motive behind his actions. That's another story.

  4. i had the same thing happen to me. he bought me movies signed by the actors and if i mentioned anything that i was interested in he went way out of his way to buy it. a few weeks into this weird phase he asked me out and i said no, and then he spread all these rumors about me.

    long story short, you never know someone until they feel betrayed, then see how they react.

    make sure your friend knows youre not interested (if youre not) and make that clear. dont let him buy you jewelry! thats really misleading, and he might want it back if you dont want to date him...

  5. sure his not g*y like shopping doesnt sound like a straight guy anyway if his not get him somethig and talk to him dont affend him bc his being really nice

  6. I think he want to bring your relationship into a better situation. He might don not want to be your colleague or your friends anymore. I think he want to become your boyfriend. I think you should ask him whether he like you or not. It better to said the true right? You will then have to decide what to do next. Whether you want to accept him or just stay at normal friend. I hope you can solve you problem quickly and without hurting anyone.  

  7. He doesn't want to be a platonic friend anymore.

  8. He likes spending mony and you are the one he spends it on...

  9. girl he likes the shet out of u. like ALOT and wanna be ur man.... if u dun like him back then dont take his c**p like seriously, he gonna be like "OMG SHE WAS A GOLD DIGGA" even though he was the one who offered u kno? so yea.. hahahha good luck!

  10. He doesn't need to mention it! You're asking the question here already. You feel it!

  11. 1. he loves you

  12. Sorry but seriously? He's using his actions here and they are screaming that he likes you ... Maybe actually putting it into words is to hard for him ... if you're not interested in pursuing a relationship with this guy you need to make it clear to him asap ...  

  13. Did you say you wanted it and then he bought it for you? Or did he help you pick it out? Maybe he's g*y and just likes to shop! ^_^

  14. Being a guy,i think i can help u out.Us guys have a lot of ways in which we express our love 4 a girl.Buying them gifts frequently is also one of them.BUt only buying u expensive gifts does not means that he loves u.I think u should try to keep an eye on him while he is around u.If he really loves u,u will notice that he is looking at u when u r not looking at him.He will try to talk to u all da time.He will try to make u smile and laugh by cracking jokes or by complementing u.I think when u r alone with him one day,u should ask him whether he likes a girl or not.Then u should try to notice his reactions,if he blushes and takes a long time in answering ur question,there is a good possibilty that he may love u.Just try to observe his actions when he is around u and u will easily understand whether he loves you or not.If that does not work,u can propose him(actually u r pulling a prank) and then see his reactions and answers to it.This is what u should do on last resort.  

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