
Why is my pool green?

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My pool was clear the day before a rain storm we had but after the rain storm, my pool turned green, it was cloudy, and I can't figure out how to turn it to the way it was. How can I turn it clear again? If you can answer my question please do!!!!!!




  1. You didn't clean it.

    Rainstorm or not, you need to clean it EVERY 3 weeks.

  2. It's algae.  Nothing to panic about.  Shock the pool with chlorine shock  according to package instructions for visible algae.  About 500gm/10,000 litres.

    It will turn from green to milky white in a few hours as the chlorine kills the algae.

    Brush the sides and bottom to disrupt algae colonies.

    Ideally daily vacuum to waste but that uses a lot of water so otherwise vacuum and back-flush your filter daily.  In  a few days it will be clear.

    Don't swim until the chlorine drops to below 3 parts per million.

    In the future monitor your chlorine levels daily and use algacide weekly.   It won't avoid all problems but you'll see them developing.

  3. your pool is most likely green because of alot of algae being in there and trust me rainstorms don't help.

    Usually when there is rain it stirrs up the dirt that is lying on the floor of your pool and makes it cloudy, and than algae can form from the sun shining on it.

    What you can do is run down to a pool store or a place that sells chemicals and describe your pool's condition.

    they can prescribe chemicals for you that will clear it right up.

    i used to have a pool, I forget what chemicals I used when it got green, but believe me green pools are not unusual, especially when it's hot.

    When you go to the pool place or wherever, it helps to take in a sample of the water.

    Hope I helped.

  4. because the rainstorm drops are dirty...

  5. Rain brings air born particles into the pool.Add an algaecide and some clarifier.Run the filter for 24 hours and the water will clear up.
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