
Why is my profile in Yahoo!360 doesn't show the "Places I Have Studied","Places I Have Lived",... ???

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only the "About me",Language Spoken" and "Quote" are appear




  1. Yahoo 360 is doing a make over and will not be fixing any bugs on the current 360, and that is why you are having problems with your profile. Some people are having a even worse time with theirs. The link below will answer your questions as it is coming straight from the source.

  2. Yes, they won't show up until you've filled them in. Make sure you set them to "Public" or "Friends Only" (or whatever you prefer) before you save them :)

  3. OK go back and try to fill in those blanks, in the right side of it will be a little rectangle with a black arrow, click on the arrow and a pull down menu will open. make sure you highlight Public on each of those categories and save it.

    Good luck to you.

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