
Why is my puppy sleeping so much?

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My German Shepherd -female- is 14 weeks old. We adopted her on Thursday (today is Monday). She was spayed Wednesday. She has been very active when awake, but she seems to sleep an awful lot. She's not eating very much food either. She doesn't seem to be in any pain.

Should this over-sleeping be a concern? or is she just worn out from the transition?





  1. its tired =D

  2. She's settling in, and making up for lost sleep in the shelter.

    Puppies sleep a LOT, and she is growing, even when she is not 'doing anything' - that's hard work!  She may also still be getting over the anesthetic from the spay.

    If you are concerned about her, do have the vet recheck her - you can also take her temp rectally, which could tell you whether or not she may have an infection.  

      But let her get as much sleep as she needs - GSD's are very sensitive emotionally, and puppies especially can get overwrought when they don't get enough rest.  She'll need less and less sleep as she grows, but for the moment, let her have a lot of peace and quiet.

      And THANKS for adopting a shepherd - the GSD rescue is always fully - tragically, for such beautiful, intelligent animals...

  3. it likes to sleep.

  4. All puppies sleep atleast 10-15 hours a day it's natural so don't worry.... but you might need to worry about the eating.

  5. She has been through a major operation and is tired! Unless you see other signs of a problem just let her alone. She was a bit young to spay, but will come around in a week or so. Also the medication they give stays in the system for a few days. So sleep will help her mend. And unless you see other things to alarm you keep her quiet and leave her rest.  Good Luck

  6. As long as she is active and full of energy when she is awake don't worry about the sleeping. Just like babies Puppies sleep allot. As for food it's not uncommon for dogs not to eat when put in new situations. Help full tips DON'T free feed, meaning put dish down for 15 min three times a day  what ever is still there after 15 min pic it up. This helps teach her that food will leave and I better eat it. It also helps with training. Try hand feeding (use food as reward)

  7. Puppies sleep alot.  My girls sleep most of the dayd and nights.  How many hours are you talking about?  Some dogs sleep alot and change eating habit when they're growing through a growth spurt too.  She could still be recovering from getting spayed.  

  8. It could be because she is in a new place, she is a puppy, and she got got spayed. That does seem kinda young for the dog to be spayed???

    Keep an eye on her and make sure she is eating and drinking.

  9. all puppies sleep alot. they're just like babies. nothing to worry about.

    does she eat all the food in her dog bowl?

  10. He knows the reds arn't going anywhere soon.

  11. I have a German shepherd and she slept A LOT when she was a puppy too - its normal, so don't worry about that. As for the eating problem my German shepherd is a very picky eater either she goes and eats the whole bowl of food or she barely sniffs at it and walks away and usually won't go eat it at all. And maybe her not eating very much has something to do with her being spayed.. im not sure though and I wouldn't know because I never spayed me GSD. Hope that helps! Good luck and have fun with her!

  12. she just got spayed. she is tired and in more pain than you see.  if she is on pain pills, they also make you sleepy.  she will be more active in a couple of weeks.  just give her time.  she shouldn't be up jumping around anyways or she will rip her stitches or get the incision infected.

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