
Why is my rabbit shedding so much?

by  |  earlier

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i have a jersey wooley rabbit . and i have had him all summer. the lady i got him from says hes 2 years old. well all of a sudden he started to shed alot more, and its seems like all his hair is coming out. he has patches of long long hair . and then patches of short hair. is this normal?




  1. yaeh




  2. This is completely normal!

    Like dogs and cats, or even human's hair, rabbits do shed lightly on a daily basis. Old fur will fall out and new fur grows in all the time. But a few times a year, rabbits go through a full "molt".

    During a molt, a rabbit will lose ALL of his fur in a short amount of time and replace it with a new coat. This generally happens once or twice a year and it happens differently for each rabbit. Some will go totally bald in patches and then start growing back in. Some rabbits will be molting/growing fur at the same rate, like your rabbit.

    During a molt it is very important to groom your rabbit daily. You can do this using a soft bristled slicker brush, or just wet your hand and stroke the fur- lots will come out!. I groom them for 5-10 minutes daily. Also, make sure your rabbit is getting an unlimited amount of timothy or mixed grass hay daily. This will help move ingested fur through his system and prevent blockage.

  3. Not a transformer that mane people know. Not a Chriss Angel. Who want to watch it? WHO IS NATURAL anyway?

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