
Why is my rat so scared??

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I have had rats for a while now and they are grreat! they r so much fun to be around... all except one. She is only about 6 months old and she HATES to be handled. Ive spent long hours tying to spen some quality time with her but all she wants to do is hide, run, or freak out!! i just dont know what to do!! i give her treats, feed her, pet her (try), and nothing is working...

Please help me and my rat! Miley <3




  1. well this is realy not a answer but i have 2 rats dexter and rattooie and dexter is so HIPER AND ratatooie is SO scard of loud noises!! if i shake the rats food ratatooie will jump like its the end the the world!! AND  HE HAS SHARP CLAWS.  also he loves to go down shirts.

    please help me

    michael cline

  2. well this is realy not a answer but i have 2 rats dexter and rattooie and dexter is so HIPER AND ratatooie is SO scard of loud noises!! if i shake the rats food ratatooie will jump like its the end the the world!! AND  HE HAS SHARP CLAWS.  also he loves to go down shirts.

    please help me

    michael cline

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