
Why is my refrigerator leaving puddles of water all over?

by  |  earlier

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When I moved into my new apartment, everything seemed fine. I opened the refrigerator and a bunch of water came out onto the floor. I just assumed that the former tenant defrosted the fridge and didn't wipe it down. Then the landlord probably turned it back on or something. I cleaned up all of the water. There wasn't any water for a couple of days. This morning I opened up the refrigerator and out came a waterfall of water. Why is that?




  1. We had the same problem with our fridge a couple months ago either your pipe is broke or some fridge have pans under them that catch the falling condensation off of the fridge and if it gets full it could over fill and start leaking try checking and seeing if your fridge has a pan and if it does see if its leaking (our pan was full).

  2. There is a defrost panel in the rear of your refrigerator that drains down to a tray that has a hose leading to a tray that sits above the compressor motor. The heat from the compressor motor evaporates this water. If the tray is gunked up or the drain hose is blocked, the defrost water will over flow the tray down to the bottom of your fridge. Clean out the tray, use a turkey baster to blow the gunk out of the hose and then use a dilute solution of bleach to keep the tray and the hose open.

    The problem is bacterial buildup and the use of diluted bleach will keep the drain open.

  3. .

  4. I KNO WHY! THIS HAPPENED 2 ME A WEEK AGO well that probaly means ur pipes busted and is giving u a warning that that water will flood ur house nd u need maitneince quick or ur just have a leak that needs 2 b fixed either way! u better fix it qiucik or ull b sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!

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