
Why is my right eye bigger than the left ye?

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i know its normal for one eye to be bigger than the other one....but my left eye also has a bit worse vision than the right eye... is that normal? also, when i close left eye, i can open my right eye big... but when i close right eye, my left eye cant open as big unless i open both eyes... whats going on?




  1. All of these things are not related to one another and all are irrelevent to the health of your eyes.  I is absolutely normal to have different vision, outward appearance and muscle strength in either eye.

  2. I kind of had the same problem. I reccomend you go to your eye docter, they will have the best advice for you. Your vision may be causing it, or other things. It might even go away and get better. Yet the best thing to do is to go to the eye docter for the best answer and help.

  3. It's normal to have one eye have better vision than the other.  It's less common for ppl to have the exact rx in both eyes.  

    As far as your eye size, it may be just that you have one eye far more dominant than the other (everyone has one dominant eye).  I bet if you worked on it you could open it just as much as the other eye.  It's also normal to have one eye a little bigger than the other.  Don't worry!


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