
Why is my right inner labia bigger than the left?

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I've read some of the question other girls have asked about swollen labias but the thing is my labia is not swollen. After I had s*x i noticed my right labia got longer and more stretched out and a darker shade. It does not hurt....itch....bother in any way at all. I just feel it looks ugly

:( i dont know if that is even normal. Its twice as big as my left and its all wrinkly. Its very embarassing. Can anyone relate? Does anyone know why? Please respond only if you are seriously trying to help....




  1. Sorry I dont have an actual answer for you, but mine is the same way.

    Edit: it's my right one too!

  2. It may not have anything to do with s*x (I'm not sure though) because I'm a virgin and the I have the same exact thing with my right one also. I'm sorry, but I'm not exactly sure what it is.  

  3. well, no one can see it unless they are looking at it, i think most women have this 'condition'...but we just don't discuss it, it's like one foot, boob, hand is bigger than the other. it's perfectly normal

  4. Me too... right side.   I hated it forever... but my fiance is down.... so I roll with it.   I just feel  uncomfortable if he like... pulls on it.

    I think the reason why is that we aren't p**n stars who have had labiaplasty.... we are all unique and beautiful in our own ways...

  5. Do you know I noticed the same thing on me the other day when I got out the shower, mine's the right too!I just figured it was due to s*x as obviously it's a delicate area and it's bound to get inflamed with all that action. If you're worried, go to the doc, but after reading you have the same, I'm quite at ease now, it's up to you hun x

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