
Why is my sis like this?

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my sister peyton i was walking home from my bffs house and i caught my eye on something in her room and her blinds were wide open and she was naked with her bf having s*x then the next day i saw her behind the school smoking with her friends she 15 years old and really annoying how do we get through to her about how she is reacting i come from a really rich family so she does not have a tough life or anything like tht




  1. i advise not to say anything. treat her kindly, so she begins to trust you all on her own. try to be close to her, only then you will have some influence over her actions

  2. She lacks the love and care of parents.  

  3. Wow! I don't know what to tell you. I have a niece that is similarly wild and making all of the wrong decisions. I have noticed a change in her lately though, as one of her bad decisions landed her in jail. They stripped searched her and other horrible things happened to her in there. She seems to be turning around somewhat. I think when things are too easy for people they get bored and get into trouble. Idle hands are the devils workshop. I think if she continues to make the wrong decisions, life will give her hard knocks and turn her around.

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