I don't understand what is wrong with my sis. At the start of the month, I found that I was preg, we'd only just started trying. We were happy & amazed but I got the + result 9 days before AF was due. This seemed early & we were worried, had my hcg levels taken, was told I was m/c. My lil sis never seemed that excited when I told her I was prg, nor that bothered when I told her I was m/c. She soon after that told me that her and her bf r getting engaged-they have been together 1 month, but I was, naturally, I was over the moon, if this is what she wants, good for her. Since then I have been told my baby is ok, again she does not seem that interested. We have since argued b/c she was funny with me when I asked what sort of ring she'd like, in case I was asked, & again when I asked if they'd have a party. Then I told her I nearly told our mum, as I am excited for her, but DIDN'T, as it's her news. She got really bitchy. why did she tell me then? why am i not allowed to be happy for her?