
Why is my son so afraid of the ocean and pool, but loves bathtime? How to help him?

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We are at the beach right now, the water is warm and the pool is heated, but he is scared to death and screams when his feet touch the water. The poor little boy just started shaking today as soon as he felt the ocean water on his feet. It was so sad seeing him like that. How can I help him not be scared and to get used to it? Or will he always hate the water? I have heard that if a baby hates the water initially they always will. I just don't understand, though, because he loves bathtime and swims like a fish in that water. He is 1 year old, by the way. Thanks!

- I just asked this in the toddler section, but it doesn't seem like anyone is answering there and everyone is usually very helpful in parenting so, please help. :)




  1. Next time you put him in the water, make sure you're holding him close while you do it.

  2. I had a cousin who was terrified of going in the water at the beach or in a swimming pool at your sons age until she was about three years old.

    She loves swimming in both now and doesn't even remember being scared of them. I think it's quite common for very young children to be scared of the beach/swimming pools and that it subsides with time.

  3. It may not be the water so much as the feeling that he doesn't have control over the situation.

    He has been in the bathtub as long as he can remember.  It's familiar and the depth, temperature and results are all predictable.  In the ocean, beach and pools he doesn't know what to expect.  The temperatures are different, he can't touch the bottom in some cases, and all in all he doesn't feel like he is in control of the situation.  

    My best advice is not to push him.  If it turns into a bad experience or is traumatic for him, he may never overcome the fear.  Let him play in the water or sand at his own leisure and don't force him further than he is comfortable.  As he gets more sure of himself he will take more risks and venture out further into the water.  You could start him in a kiddy pool and work your way into a regular pool.  Either way, just let him set the pace.

  4. well i think that it is because the ocean is huge and noisy. just sit down on the beach with him and play in the dirt and little by little let the water touch him without him realizing it and maybe he will see that it is not going to hurt him. you know when the wave reaches the beach just a little water.

  5. Maybe he is afraid of the sheer amount of water there is. The tub is small and safe, but the pool is large and the ocean is practically endless!

    Perhaps you should practice with the pool. Even if he screams, make him do it and show him there isn't anything to be afraid of. Once you show him it's OK, he might loosen up and have fun.

    Good luck!

  6. WOW! THat is very wierd that he loves bath time, but doesn't like ocean water, or the pool... Matbe it is just a stage that some kids go through. I'm not really for sure what to say about this. I'm wanting to think it is just a stage that he will grow out of. You are very right, too... that is sad that he started shaking when the ocean water touched his feet. I'm hoping it is just a stage that he is going through. (I've said that alot) I hope you find out whats wrong. I hope that I helped.

  7. give him floaties

    baby pool

    say:i wont let anything hurt u...mommys a big give u___when we get home

    and theyll forget about it

    talk to other parent firends

  8. children, especially infants and toddlers are remarkable at detecting parents emotions and usually mimicing/amplifying them. is it possible that you're afraid of what could happen to him in the pool and ocean more easily than the bath and he's sensing it? if you're anxious when placing him in the water, he's going to feel that there's something to be afraid of. if he's sensing your fear, anxiety and anticipation when his feet hit the water he'll continue to flip out until he senses from you that everything's ok, and that you're in control and he's safe.

    good luck

  9. maybe his afraid of the sea creatures.......

  10. maybe of the salt?????? [idunno]

    or maybe he's not used to it, && maybe he's afraid he'll drown?

  11. Well i know i used to be afraid of the pool. I think what got me swimming was seeing everyone else having so much fun. You should take your sun to the pool but dont try to get him to go swimming. He might not be eager to jump in the first time but the more he sees you having a good time the less afraid he will become. just dont push him into anything he doesnt want to do.

  12. He's only 1.

    It's great that he loves the bath, that means that water isn't the problem.

    It's pretty overwhelming to be only 1 and doing new things. Just don't make a big deal about it. Let him know that he doesn't have to do it if he doesn't want to and then he will learn to trust you.

  13. My 2 year old son was scared of the pool and ocean too, It took him almost half of the summer to find the love for our pool. His fear has to do with being in a big and opening water, something about with him not feeling safe. But don't is NOT true that if they hate the water first ...they never will...totally untrue!

    What you can do is try to find a small baby pool, one that it's easy for you to bring along when you are at the beach and fill it up with the same ocean water, let him have fun with first he probably wouldn't want to go in but...give him some time and don't pressure him....(I know we all want him to love the water fast...but he needs a little time to it)  he eventually will place one foot first or play with the water without even going in the pool....but it's ok....I assure you...he'll love the water ( the time you are ready to leave the beach...LOL, but he'll love it).

    Good Luck

  14. This  is from my personal experience, but th eharder you push him the more afraid he will become. Bath time is in no way even comparable to swimming in a pool let alone the ocean. If you keep pushing him to get into the water you may even foster a feeling of distrust when he sees you near the water.

    Good Luck

  15. Ask him why he's scared when I was little I was afraid of jelly fish

  16. I'm not certain on this, without seeing where he is looking when he does the screaming.  But if I had to guess, its shyness and fear.

    The bathtub is small, and the water is clear.  He is in there by himself, with only you around.  And as his mother, he trusts you.

    In the pool, most likely there are all kinds of people in there, and he may be scared that he'll get hurt.  And the ocean is even worse.  At least with a pool you can see more or less what's around.  But in the ocean, the content of the ocean hides pretty much everything under water, so he has no idea what's on the other side with his body; so he's afraid what might get him.

    That or he can see the floor of the tub and knows he can reach it.  He can see the floor of the pool, but knows he can't reach that; and has no idea where the floor of the ocean is.

    That would be my guess of what the situation is.

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