
Why is my staffy having these choking fits that stop him breathing?

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I have a 2 year old staffy dog who is very very fit and normally full of energy. He has started to have what i can only describe as seizures that start with him making awful vomiting noises and he looks like he is trying to cough something up that's stuck as he stops breathing for a couple of seconds and sometimes he actually collapses then he vomits up yellow bile froth like stuff. Can anyone help me with his diagnosis as i am worried sick as he has started to have them regular now (1 every 2 or 3 weeks)




  1. maybe there is something in his throat, see a vet.

  2. when they throw up bile they can be hungry. make sure you feed him as soon as you wake up and as soon a you go to sleep. try switching his food to wet or wet/dry mix and feed him 2-3 times in the day time but not a lot! feed him a lot in the morning and before you go to sleep. make sure he has fresh water also!!! watch and see what happens

    good luck

  3. Heres a great idea, it will solve your problem immediatley. Take him to the vet! GEEZ! People on the internet will have a wide range of wrong answers that could end up killing your dog.

    Dr. Dog

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