
Why is my sweat not salty? Is that bad?

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My sweat does not taste salty right now... IS that bad? or does that mean I am hydrated, or dehydrated or what? What does that mean?




  1. If your hydrated well you are going to lose electrolytes with water which causes the salty taste.It sounds like you may be close to severe dehydration.Hold your hand out flat with the palm side down.Pinch and pull a section of skin up.If it springs back down you are good.If it continues to stand you are dehydrated.Get some sports drinks in you!

  2. ...

    It means you shouldn't taste your own sweat.

  3. Well, for the first 20 mins or so that you sweat, it's just water. Sweat doesn't become salty till after then, because it starts settling on the body. After the saltiness... 30 mins later... it starts smelling....

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