
Why is my three year old always thirsty?

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I have a three year old daughter who is always thirsty. We will give her a whole bottle of water and about 20 mins later she will be thirsty again. Is this normal?




  1. Drinking too much can be a sign of diabetes, as the other person said. Also, if she has a bottle, she might just be using it as a comforter, or drinking from habit. My children all drank more ( a lot more) when they had lidded 'sippy'cups than when I put them on an open (normal) cup. Since she is 3, if she is drinking from a bottle (even a sports cap adult type bottle) try using an open beaker. You could get a really special pretty one. Then you'll know if it's truly thirst or just a swigging habit. It is important to drink enough, so I'm not suggesting you restrict her drinks.

  2. Is she eating enough? Sometimes my daughter prefers to drink instead of eat. But when she eats good, I notice she doesn't drink nearly as much.

    If the food is not the problem, then I would take her for a diabetes test. Extreme thirst is one of the first and most noticeable signs.

  3. Mine is the same, as long as she's eating well I wouldn't worry.  It is getting warm, and just imagine if you were as active as she is!

  4. you may want to call your doctor.  increased thirst (as in one that won't go away) can be a sign of diabeties.  I'm not saying that's what it is, but I'd call the doc anyway

  5. is it hot out?

    its good to drink lots of water.

  6. Only you know if she is drinking excessively or if it's normal thirst considering the weather and how much she eats and how salty her diet is and how much activity she is getting. One of the symptoms of diabetes is excessive and unquenchable thirst. I certainly wouldn't jump to conclusions or worry but if you seriously think her thirst is way beyond normal then just take her to the doc and get a blood test for diabetes or at least talk with the doc about it. No matter what -- let her have as much water as she wants and limit the sugary juices.

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