
Why is my umbrella cockatoo acting out? How can i fix it?

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Okay, i have had my umbrella cockatoo for about 9 years now. Its overall a really great bird. he talks and never really acted out. Now, all of the sudden he is biting people includin me for no reason which he used to only bite when he got scared. In addition, getting him out of the cage or back in has become a challange. He either doesn't want out and refuses to come out or he acts out while being out like jumping down, biting, or refusing to go back in the cage. Plus, Now he starts yelling VERY early in the morning. I love him to dealth but i'm now at a complete loss on what to do. I have tried spray bottle, time outs, new toys, more attention, even asking what he wants. What should i do?




  1. I'm with BEG.  He needs to go to the vet for tests.  Birds are a lot like us and might feel out of sorts or in a bad mood occasionally.  They even get mad at us and might hold a grudge for awhile but extreme changes in behaviour so suddenly isn't normal.  Let us know what happens.

  2. ok my umbrella cockatoo was  acting out too maybe u should start peting him little by little

  3. What he is doing is completely normal for a 9 year old cockatoo. The don't like to be cuddled or any of the things that they liked to do when they were babies or younger birds. He's becoming independent. Most people get a cockatoo because they are cuddly as babies but don't realize that they don't stay that way forever and end up abandoning them.  If you are willing to put the work in to keep your now more independant bird happy phone your vet and see if they will rule out a medical cause first and if there isn't one then I would see if you can find someone who can help you train your bird. I would google parrot rescues. There is one on Vancouver Island that takes in cockatoos every year. They may have some tips.

    Here are some websites:

  4. It might be a hormonal situation, which is very common with cockatoos.

    Try researching "parrot behavior" on google. Like I said, it's a very common problem.

  5. I think you should try taking him to an avian vet, just to see if there isn't something mentally or physically wrong with him, because thats really strange to all of a sudden start this behavior.

    Good luck


    Also, its a sign of illness when a bird starts acting not himself. Then you must try to get them to an avian vet.

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