
Why is my wife's maiden name "Sao" when no one in her family is Asian? What's the origin of that name?

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My wife's maiden name is "Sao" but she is NOT Asian, nor is anyone in her family. They also have NO Asian features.

They are originally from Ghana, which is an African country. Her parents, grandparents, great grandparents and great-great Grandparents are all Ghanian. No one appears to have married an Asian person.

So what's up with her last name? just said the last name was "Unexplained".

So I guess my question is, "How does an African family end up with an Asian sounding last name?"




  1. There are several languages spoken in Ghana as well as many dialects. The two principle languages I have been able to discover is Gua and Twi.

    Your wife's name could be from either of the these two or none of these two. Most family names are taken from a region or a particular practice.

    Try to narrow down her place of origin within Ghana. Her name could be an old dis-used place name. In which case it will be difficult to find.

    The languages appear to be constructive in that they are made of many smaller words strung together to form larger words. Your wife's name is Asian sounding and appearing because it is a "primitive" word that normally maybe be used as a part of a larger word. It may however, still have a meaning much as some of our small words have meaning.

    I was unable to locate a precise meaning of the name.

  2. If it's not an African name ( specifically Ghana ) try Portugese ,  ( I'm thinking of Sao Paulo )  I think in every language in the world you'll find words that are similar to a completely different language , especially shorter words .You cannot rule out Ghana until you have search that whole country for information on your wifes name .

  3. Any possibility of a Portuguese ancestor?  They were certainly in Ghana in centuries past, and Sao in Port. is "Saint" in English.

  4. Personally, I believe you are overlooking the obvious.

    Your perception is that it SOUNDS like an Asian name. What a name sounds like is always simply an opinion, and in your case, it apparently is incorrect.

    You already are certain that her ancestry is from Ghana, and does not include any Asian marriage.

    The simple conclusion is that it is not an Asian name.


    I stand by my comment.. it is often a misunderstood thing that something 'sounds' like something, when it is not.  We see that here CONSTANTLY.  My experience is that names do not always come from just one location. In some cases, they do..but it is not guaranteed.

  5. Maybe it's just an old African name that just happens to sound Asian even though there is absolutely no connection :)

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