
Why is my wife pregnant and we had no s*x for 6 months ?

by  |  earlier

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It just seems strange when we stopped doing cause she had bad migraines.




  1. Maybe she's been sleeping with someone else? (I hope thats not the case) or you did have s*x you just cant remember????

  2. LOL ummm yeah if you weren't having s*x with her who was you can't get pregnant by yourself and you have a wife and a girlfriend because you also posted a question about your girlfriend drinking alcohol?????

  3. You know what DOES seem strange?

    An hour ago she was only your girlfriend. Now she is your wife. Cool hey, you must have gotten married in the last half hour then by the sounds of it

    Its funny...

    - Now she is your wife

    - An hour ago she was your girlfriend

    - 4 days ago she was back to being your wife, and you were obviously having s*x cause you were saying you don't like to use contraception

    - 6 days ago she was once again back being your girlfriend who you were not living with, who you wanted to leave the toilet seat up for when you visit

    - 6 days ago you also stated you had a girlfriend in Australia plus a girlfriend in new york who called you master and you were wondering who to choose

    - 2 weeks ago you were talking about all the women you had made love to over the last year and how you thought you had an STD

    Call me crazy, but something just doesnt make sense hey?

    I mean, I can see where some immature kids get their jollies off trolling around of the internet cause they think theyre pretty funny...but your questions arent even remotely funny. You really do suck at being a troll PLUS you don't even have your questions set to private....pffft what kind of a troll are you?

  4. your wife must have cheated on you

  5. good luck!!!!

  6. Either shes cheating around 6-7 months pregnant or she froze some of your sperm lol.

  7. Holly s@*t!!!!

    She probably cheated!!!

  8. what kind question is that? your in denial.  

  9. Well gee it would seems that u were not the only one poking her hole!

  10. I saw you put up a previous question about your girlfriend....hmmm. Anyhoo......there's meds for migraines. If you have a GF...perhaps you shouldn't jump to conclusions about your wife...sauce for the goose...and what not.

  11. why u asking us why don't u go and ask ur wife this question?and the other thing why u not having s*x with her do u live far from her?dont u think if u dont need but she needs to have s*x now dont get mad at ur wife if she slept with someone else u should be ashamed of it would be ur fault not her .........

    good luck

  12. Depends on how far along she is.  If it's been 5-6 months since you've had s*x with her.  Then, well. . . that would explain her pregnancy.

    If she's below 6 months pregnant.  Then unfortunately.  She's cheating on you and you'll need to have a conversation with her about this.

  13. I'm sorry everyone on here is so RUDE! But, I'd talk with your wife about it because there really isnt any other explanation besides infidelity depending on how far along she is. Sorry, good luck

  14. its a bit obvious

    =] _.

  15. i feel another divorce coming. Shes a cheating ***** but thats what you get for not having s*x with your wife for 6 months holy c**p man wouldn't you get horny too?

  16. i dunno, but does your wife know about your girlfriend that you posted about earlier?

  17. bad migraines are a symtom of pregnancy so dude you got her up the duff so deal with it. you need to be a man not a spoilt child and take responsibility for your actions,if you want to play the game do your homework and always deal with the fact that you will get her pregnant as you have.dont run away as no child or partner deserves for you to just say no i dont want takes two people to make a baby and if you are trully concerned about the paternaty of the baby get a test done and then you and she will definately know and you then will have to pay fees to keep the baby alive and clothe it, feed it, take it to the doctors,  school,dentist,treeats for being well behaved, and it never ends .just what you want for youself right you sound ungrateful as so many people in this world can not concieve and can not understand what it is to be a parent and the joy it is you just sound so immature like you should not be even having a relationship at your age,when you find out you are the father make sure you be the best father any parent can be as we as parents need to give our kids joy for life.if you dont like being treated a certain way the child definately wont like it. so be a proper dad not an evil brat of a father.take care and make the right decisions.

  18. i hate to break it to ya but if your wife is pregnant and you haven't slept together for 6 months, she better be 7 or 6 months pregnant.  She is truly cheating and thinks you are an idiot.  Find someone who respects you as a man and who deserves your devotion.  Let her find the father of her child and make him miserable. I'm sorry.

  19. she did someone else, now go ask for a paternity test.

  20. shes cheating duh

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