
Why is my wrist swollen?

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My wrist is extremely swollen. Just one wrist. It doesn't hurt. My blood pressure is fine. What could be causing this?




  1. Is there pain? Were you doing anything that could have sprained or broken it? If it just started up for what seems like no reason it could be Osteoarthritis (Can be caused by many wrist fractures, injuries, sprains, etc). But thats also like worse case scenario and swelling is rare in it's early stages.

    Keep ice on it for awhile and see if the swelling goes down, if not a trip to the doctor can't hurt.

  2. Your pregnant.. lol

    That's why! Unless you had some sort of injury, it comes with carrying that little miracle.

    Your feet may get swollen too.

    Just my fingers and toes are a bit swollen.

    And the Carpel Tunnel in my wrists is terrible because of my little miracle.  

  3. It could be infected, or it could be sprained. Go see your doctor and find out. Infections can be bad.

  4. you could have sprained it or broken it. My brother fell and he only had scratches on his wrist without pain and a few weeks later it swelled up and when he went to the doctor he found out it was broken..i didnt think it was possible because he moved it perfectly without pain.

  5. Sprang it?

  6. If it's very swollen and it causes no pain, then it could be anything from an infection to a skin disease. Wait awhile and ice it, if it doesnt get better go talk to your doctor.


  8. The most common cause would be injury. If you did do something that could have injured your wrist that's probably it. However if it doesn't go away I would go get it checked out because it can be signs of more serious things. I'm not sure if you're being pregnant could affect that or have anything to do with it. It could just be cellulitis however there is usually some pain or itching with skin infections. I would ice it, take ibuprofen and considering you're also pregnant I would go to the doctor and ask them if it doesn't go away soon.

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