
Why is my xbox360 freezing on gta4?

by  |  earlier

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it plays other games. i hate to even trade for another disk that maybe defective also.




  1. I had the same problem. It happened to me twice so far. (Since it came out on tuesday) I notice right before it freezes it makes a noise, almost as if the disc is spinning in the tray rather than on the rotor. I would just try and blow the disc/tray and see if their might be any dust. I wouldn't worry to much about it. I honestly hope they dont recall it. Im glad to see im not THE ONLY ONE experiencing this problem.

  2. im having the same issue, if you take the hard drive off it works which means it saved some kind of corrupted  file on the HD but you cant see it when you go into the file browser.. im really surprised rockstar hasnt addressed this yet, i just spent $60 bucks on a game i cant play till they send out an update or whatever they need to do to resolve this!

  3. So is mine, I can't even get the game to fully start now.

  4. This may not have anything to do with the game software itself.  It might be tied to network congestion.  I have no idea as to how  Rockstar wrote this game but if it is periodically trying to upload your stats, and the server is tied up, it may cause some issues.  

    I would try playing without being logged into live and see if you experience the same issue after a "few" hours of playing :)

  5. If your xbox is really old, like youve never had the RROD or havennt traded it in for a long time, that might be the problem, cuz it locks up on mine at random times, same thing happens to my friend and he's never had any preblems since the day he got his 360, and some of my other friends that have had the RROD and got a new xbox works perfectly fine for them.

    I think im gona trade mine in

  6. Dont bother trading it in i had the same problem with freezing on the 360 at a certain part, traded in for another brand new one, same exact freezing.

  7. Yeah, it's pissing me off. Mine is freezing too... Hopefully there's not going to be some huge recall or something... *sigh*

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