
Why is my yard dying in just spots.?

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I live in central Alabama and water isn't a problem with the yard. This started about a week ago and just getting worse. I read it could be grub worms but was afraid to put a killer on the dead grass if it wasn't the worms. Can anyone help me and tell me what is wrong with my grass and how to stop my grass from dying?




  1. Do you have a dog?  Those spots could be caused by a dog urinating on your grass.  This especially happens with female dogs because they squat close to the ground.

  2. have you recently gotten a dog or some other pet thats using your lawn as the potty now? i know that my neighbor just had a problem with urine killing his grass.

  3. Grubs are horrible and if it's grubs you will know.. just go out and grab the will be loose and fluffy. Grub kill won't hurt your grass.

    A new dog in town will do that to.

    Also, your lawn mower droppings will burn holes in your lawn.

    especially if your lawn has been treated and as you mow the droppings pile in clumps here and there.

    That will make nice burn makes in your lawn as well.


  4. I bet its grubs. You can put down fertilizer with new grass seed in the bare patches if its' completely dead..

  5. It is either grub worms like you said or more likely a female dog!  They squat and let loose in a concentrated area, not like a male that sprays everywhere.  If you, or somebody else has a female dog peeing on your grass, take a hose to the area as soon as she is done!

  6. Is there a new dog in the neighbor hood... a female?  Maybe one has taken to your yard.  They will burn holes in your lawn just like that.

  7. A stray dog or a cat is peeing in your yard. It happend to me before. get that patch perfect. I'd say build a fence or if you already have one , call the local pound and get a trap set.


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