
Why is naughty c so excited to see harbhajan banned?

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that bl0ody p**i purposely puts in his 1 cent worth in every question relating to the incident maybe because he knows sreesanth is useless and harbhajan is king so he wants harbhajan out of the squad so the lousy and dumb p**i team can beat india.




  1. Harbhajan is not banned from indian side , so let the people excited abt. bhajji .  love to see india ,pakistan matches

                               i am not excited abt. shoaib akhtar ban

  2. The racial slur is not cool man.

  3. i am sorry but u r an indian and we being an indian should not use such language for our neighbours... our culture respects other cultures and peace is our prime motive... so plz dont use such language and spoil our hard earned name...hope u dont mind it ..its just an advice...

  4. I think every right minded cricket fan is overjoyed to see Harbhajan banned.  He's a racist thug who should have been banned from tests for racially abusing Andrew Symonds (which has happened twice now) and would have been if he had cried like a little boy to the BCCI who threatened to ruin International cricket if the ICC didn't throw the charges out and then blamed Australia for it all.

    And mate?  Your own racism sucks too.

  5. Sympthy for cry baby.

  6. r u going mad, i never read these words to be written by any Pakistani about Indians but i sometimes read these written by u Indians. Its too much dont use these languages, if u use these languages continuously, so everyone knows here who has better behaviour

  7. Bhajji has been banned from IPL and not from our national team! And don't be so rude......leave this topic plz....

  8. Amazed to see that:

    1. I am so popular here in Yahoo Cricket

    2. This slur (disguised as a question) is still not deleted; and

    3. Freedom of expression of being questioned, without any logic or reason

    If you have anything substantial to add to this forum, please feel free to do that, otherwise pointing fingers at someone, "unprovoked", doesn't seem to be in order

    PS: Thank you very much "mona", "Ayiza" and "anwesha" for your support. A special mention of thanks for a passionate follower of the game "farhan m". I hope the others also see the light and stop trying to humiliate other teams and nations, for that, they don't understand, they are only making a fool of themselves!

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