
Why is nikolay davydenko ranked forth in the world? I dont think he is that good.?

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Ladies serve faster than him




  1. i've been wondering the same for years.... and still haven't come up with an aswer.-


  2. haha! Well i agree with you there :P ! He isnt worthy of being ranked #4. But hey he`s a cutie haha

  3. I don't know how many women serve faster than him (maybe Serena Williams, but that it I think).

    And Davydenko is very good, he's just the most underrated top 10 and top 5 player there is. He has text-book form, his nickname is the marathon man because he plays every tournament he can, a very hard worker and gives all of his effort, and even though he looks old and not too athletic, don't let that fool you.

  4. I agree with you. I think that he has a very weak serve and some women are capable of serving faster, Venus and Serena. He just plays a lot of small level tournys like when everyone was at queens or halle last week, he was playing a small clay court tourny. hes annoying b/c hes not better than the rest of the top ten...but w/e.

  5. Ditto. I don't believe he's that good. I think just because he wins a lot of matches and plays in a bunch of tournaments. I'm not quite sure actually. It's a good point. His serve used to be weak, but now it's not that bad. =)

  6. His serve has actually improved a lot this year, especially when he won in Miami.  But the main reason he's #4 is because the guy plays almost every week, and he has put together some great results like the Miami win.  He's also no stranger to the latter stages of the slams, but I have to admit he's probably one of the worst #4 ranked players in history.

  7. Simply put: through sheer effort. He doesn't have any huge weapons but his all-round game is pretty solid, no glaring holes. He also enters the most tournaments per year of anyone in the top ten. I heard a quote from him a couple of years ago where he says that he and his brother (also his coach) view tennis as a business prospect. This is evident in his results: he may not have reached a Slam final but he always puts himself in contention and, as a result he has two semis apiece at the US and French Opens to his name. By playing so much tennis, he ensures that he's always match sharp. His play may not be particularly inspired but he plays within his limits. Of course the lack of depth beyond the top three has helped his case, but there's no doubting his work ethic. He may not be the most innately talented top five player in tour history but his hard work does make him worthy of a high ranking.

  8. Unfortunately, that's how it is in mens tennis now and has been for quite sometime. You got the top three and you got the rest (majority of them just serve the purpose of making up numbers for tourneys).

    I don't see anyone else (except for some upcoming youngsters) who are worthy of that spot also. #7 is very talented, but very very inconsistent.

    Davy unlike the rest plays the most tourneys and hence gathers a lot of points and wins small tournies. That way when he retires, he'll have several tournies under his belt and can hence make his point of being a worthy #4. The recent shocking win at Miami was a 1 off event. He was lucky to make it past the first round since he faced match point there against Ernests Gulbis (an upcoming youngster and a very worthy player soon to be #4 and may be higher also).

  9. he is good, hes not as good as the top three, but he can beat all the others.

    Take a look at the big tourny he won this year where he beat Nadal (I think) and Roddick, may have been Miami?? Anyway, I was blown away by his level of play. He was amazing and def deserving of his ranking. He doesnt always play like that, true, but the man is a very solid number 4, and although I don't see him going beyond that, he won't be going away either thats for sure.

    Secondly, he does seem to enter every tournement he possibly can, which obviously helps alot, and shows his high levels of fitness and stamina.

    I wouldnt go underestimating Davydenko. :)

  10. o he sure thot u're talkin bout novak, earlier... anyway, he's third.

    dunno bout the ladies, but safin certainly does.

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