
Why is no one talking about this?

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Anbar, the most deadly place in the world for a U.S. soldier to show his colors just two years ago, where more than a thousand U.S. troops have lost their lives, is now secure and in the hands of the Iraqi forces; thanks to ... you guessed it ... the Surge!

Why is this not real headline news? Why must we, instead, fixate on nonsense stories like did McCain "really" vet Sarah Palin all the way? Could it be that the most ridiculous political non-issues are more important than security in the Middle East? Or do people like Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Vice Presidential Nominee Joe Biden, and pundits across the "mainstream" spectrum just not know how to say "I was wrong, and John McCain was right"?




  1. Who made it the most dangerous? it is bush. If bush did not go there, it could not have been dangerous, that's why we need people with active brains like Obama

  2. As the Mom of 2 military members, I get so frustrated when the news is not focused on the war in Iraq. Seems that we have forgotten about our Military. My son leaves for Iraq Dec. 1. My daughter is USCG, our first defense against terrorism on the home front.

    I think our news is focused on McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden because they are the future.

  3. I has been in the news.

    The problem is, what you will find is the insurgents are regrouping.

    The surge will not work till we are out of there.

    Iraq wants us out and wants a timetable, but we refuse.


  4. Have you really been watching the news or just listening to Republican talking points?  You do know that Americans are still losing their lives in that very region?  

    And if the 'Surge' as you suggest is so successful...then why is McCain and the Republicans so set against the troops starting to withdraw from Iraq?

  5. You and I both know the left wants the war to fail.  They want us to lose.  The figure that will be their way to win the white house.

    Showing positives about the war would hurt the left and thus the left wing media is not interested in making a big deal of it.

    Tell me why the NY Times allows the printing of every OP/ED rant that their Lord Obama sends in but has openly REFUSED to print rebuttals by the McCain camp!

    Be very afraid.  The media is not the friend of the American way.

  6. Although I will agree that adding 30,000 troops has reduced violence in the areas they were stationed, my question was and continues to be - what will happen when they leave?  By example, if there is a town where there is violence - out of control violence, and you add 1,000 police, you will reduce the violence - when they are there.

    I would love to see an area where the troops were 'surged' and now, they have left and he violence has remained down.  The generals on the ground, and the administration continue to contemplate bringing troops home from the surge, leaving still 140,000 troops in place.  

  7. if you believe that then i would assume you believe Iraq still has wmd's.

    that was simply a media stunt to make people like you think the republicans are victorious.

    not a single US troop will leave Anbar.

    John McCain is wrong. Was wrong. And mental in the head. Obsessed with war.

    Are there actually people still willing to put another war hungry republican in office for another 4 years?????

    I cant believe the ignorance in America. pathetic.

  8. I guess Americans are more concerned about what happens at home than abroad.

    When that Korean Guy killed students in Virginia and not a small number of Americans were killed in Iraq, you knew which direction the media was attentive to.

  9. This kind of republican thinking (or lack of such)  got US in big trouble in Iraq in the first place - Complete and utter ignorance and incompetence

  10. You're about 4 DAYS behind everyone else. I heard about it this weekend and I talked about it for a second but just as I was about to get deep in thought I  looked up at my TV screen and seen that VP Palin's daughter was five months pregnant. That sparked my interest more.

  11. The liberal press is not going to report good news that will help McCAin. The liberal press want Obama elected no matter what they have to do. Watch Keith Olbermann on MSNBC all he does is trash McCain, now is that reporting?

  12. Your tax dollars are going into the pockets of the fighters in Anbar Province so they will stop trying to get you out of their country for a few weeks. They are bribing them - with your money.

    Get it? Not only that, your money is going into the pockets of Bush and Co who own all the arms maufacturers, construction firms, mercenary armies etc who are making a pile of doe - your doe.

    And if you get ill they will ask you for more of your money  - and you will give it to them.

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