
Why is no western country doing anything about Mr Mugabe?

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We have visited Zimbabwe in 1995. My husband has worked and lived in Zim for many years. Many of our friends have had to move out of the country or were made to leave their farm and in one case 60 years of hard work behind. 'Uncle Rob' is killing his own people in the millions and the rest of the world is watching. Is it because the country hasn't got any oil?




  1. Just let the children kick him on the butts with time.

    The mess created in own backyards.

  2. EU & USA have sanctions on Zimbabwe's government, that's doing something..... as for what else should be done to help that country, can't do much, seems Mugabe is President elect till 2010.

    Only a small percent of Zimbabwe's citizens want outside interference to upset Mugabe's rule of that country ..... Iraq was different, the majority in Iraq were Shiites who were dominated by minority Sunnies , so the Shiites wanted Saddam out of office.   So the comparison is different and the comment about OIL as the deciding factor is a non issue .... just my 2cents

  3. LOL, aren't you the SAME person who said "No-one wins a war"???

    If no one wins, then we cannot "do anything" according to your own logic!

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