
Why is nobody buying at garage/estate sales nowadays?

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The last two weekends my neighbor and I have set up tag sales. We are right on the main street of town and we advertised. Not one person stopped! What's going on?




  1. People these days are too high maintenence. Nothing used nor non-designer label is good enough. What kind of town do you live in, do you live in a high maintenence rich town? That could be the problem. Or maybe a lot of people are just away on vacation.

  2. The economy sucks........gas prices are high....i used to make a day of garage saling....ha no are constantly stopping and starting and driving all over the earth for stuff you really dont need anyways and it is not worth it with the price of gas.......sorry no one stopped !

  3. why buy second hand stuff when u can get it new?

  4. I don't know where you are located, so I am just guessing on the reasons.

    Was the weather good? I one time had a garage sale during a beautiful summer weekend. I think everyone was out of town, so sales were dismal.

    In my area, local towns have a couple of garage sale weekends a year. If you can have your sale then, lots of people will come. People who like to go to garage sales just drive around, often stopping at any and all sales they see.

    If your town doesn't do that, consider organizing it yourself!

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