
Why is nobody talking about Obama, one day after he get' s the nomination , everyone talking about Sarah? ?

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Was a Star born today? Like maybe a lucky one?




  1. Sarah Palin is more man than woman. I think I saw her in a beaver hat on MSNBC and she had what looked like a dead fox around her neck. Classy!!!

    Mr. News

  2. Great aint it

  3. I really like the Obama + Biden ticket.  My two favorites from the original line-up, together at last.

    BUT Obama didn't stand behind his VP's acceptance speech fingering his wedding band.

    ...Like McCain did.  You can watch his eyes flick up and down her back in the video clips, then he'll smile nervously and spasmodically start toying with his wedding ring.  You can see the thoughts on his face:  "I'm a married man, I'm a married man, I'm a married man..."

    Great entertainment.  Can't believe anyone can take him seriously anyway.

  4. Because unlike Obama's messiah act,  Palin comes off as a likable and genuine person.

  5. Only on Faux News are they doing that...

    ..the real news stations are talking about acyual news...Gustav, the crappy economy, President Obama, etc....

  6. the messiah complex is getting old with everyone and Sarah is a fresh start.

  7. The Palin family is a conservative roll model for a middle class conservative family.

    Obama's speech mimicked Carter's 1976 nomination speech both of which were based on illusion, dreams and lies as we found out with Carter.  The Palin family is proof the American people don't need Obama's gimmicks to live right.

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