
Why is north always...?

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On maps, in atlases, on globes, north is always shown at the top. This is not meant to imply, I guess, that people in the south are underdogs, but why is south always at the bottom? I believe there is something called the Peters Projection which reverses the convention, but is never used.




  1. Just convention I suppose....never heard of Peters Projection...will have to look that up.


    Peters projection does not reverse north and south its a totally different principle.

  2. So when the earths magnetic pole reverses, will they redraw the maps upside down?

  3. Not sure but I would be willing to guess that it is because a lot of early maps were drawn by Europeans.

  4. It is just the convention, established such that one doesn't have to figure out which way is up on a particular map and relate it to their surroundings.  

    The convention is built off of compass needles, for which north was chosen to be the direction of the needle rather than the southern pole.  Once it was decided that the north side of the needle was the direction it was pointing, it was only natural to make that direction "up" on maps.

  5. Indeed, it was precisely because the first widely-used world maps were created by people who lived in the northern hemisphere...and they were used (and updated) by sea captains that were travelling from ports in the northern hemisphere.

  6. Is that not like asking "why is blue called blue"?

    North is always at the top because some smart alec decided many, many years ago that it would be called that and all the other smart alecs around at that time agreed with him . So from then on everyone has called it north.

    FYI - "Peters Projection" is an Area Accurate Map, nothing more.

  7. because north is up & south is down... as in the top of the country is the most northernly point...

    also see north & south poles...

  8. a lot of people have problems with east and west. as for north and south, i dunno why they need it. i guess to complete the compass.

  9. I haven't herd of Peters Projection either, Duffer. Aisle tellya this. Sometimes u will c maps, perhaps insets that specifically show cities or vicinities where north is pointed diagonally. This likely accomod8s a diagonally arranged portion of the larger map. Also, I was watching my morning news & traffic where they showed a map of Bakersfield & vicinity where south was up. It was confusing b4 I recognised where the streets, cities, & landmarks were & noticed the map was "upside-down."

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