
Why is not voting legal in America-land ?

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"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"--JFK

Why don't Amercians get off their McBuger filled butts and vote?




  1. Because it's America.

  2. People don't vote due to priorities.  And really, I'm glad that more people don't vote.  Most people in this country don't know enough about the issues or how things work - they'd flip a coin, go by who had the most impressive TV spot,  or worse yet, who their favorite musician or actor supports. - I think Tom Cruise is a great actor.  VERY fun to watch his films... but he's a loony-tunes when it comes to politics (and religion).  Please people - don't go to actors, musicians or hookers for advice on investment banking, marriage , religion or politics (or medicine).  You may feel they serve their purpose, but they only play doctors and presidents on TV.  They don't really know that stuff.

    There is another reason too, and it's actually a tribute to our system.  In some countries, after an election, the winning party sends soldiers to the homes of those in the oposing party, and people are either killed or imprisoned - that doesn't happen here.  In fact, the difference (where the rubber meets the road) between the two major parties is a matter of shades.  They talk alot, to garner votes, but they will both act very similarly when the situation requires a real decision.  

    Look at the last few years - the Dems talk alot of trash about the need for Bush to get the troops home RIGHT NOW!  But when asked if they would promise to have the troops home within four years of being president, neither Hillary nor Obama will say yes.  We will probably be going into Iran next.  No matter who is president.

  3. It is legal to not vote because no legislature in the U.S. has ever wanted to require that everyone vote. Just because it is the law in some countries of the world does not mean the U.S. has to do it as well.

    People have had a lot of reasons for why they don't vote. In my case, I used to vote, but once I could see that the Supreme Court has enough power and it has the will to stop a state from finding out for sure who won, I gave up. I will not go back into a voting booth unless and until the Supreme Dictators stop behaving the way that they do. They do not do their job right, and when they don't, the reason for voting is defeated. And I can't vote in such a way as to change that body.

  4. Because it is our right to vote or not vote. Most that do not vote cannot stand any of the candidates.

  5. Americans have a RIGHT to vote or not vote. But it is not their DUTY ( that's mean they don't have to vote if it against their belief or idea  but it's still be legal)

  6. Some Americans do not vote because they are not responsible and some do not want to participate for losing faith in governance.  Nevertheless, it should be a must for Americans to exercise their vote and choose their leaders and never blame themselves for not voting resulting to poor leadership.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

  7. Their are some people not qualified to vote.  And I just as well hope they stay home.  It would be terrible if we told the people they have to vote.  If someone studies the candidates then I think they are qualified to have there choice to vote.  Some people are just too lazy.  Gosh, I am really not that mean of person.  It's just the way I feel about having to vote because I am forced.  I vote on most every election.

  8. I agree.  If you don't vote, you have no right to complain when things go wrong.  Some groups of people fought long and hard to get the right to vote, ie. women, blacks; yet they don't vote now that they can.  The best way to send a message to our government, loud and clear, is to vote.  My hubby had a stroke and getting into the polling place is a bit of a challenge for him, so he votes absentee.  They send a ballot to our  home, he votes, seals it up and we return it to the City Clerk.  Nothing to it.  He gets to vote, yet does not have to hassle with stairs and ramps.  There is absolutely no excuse for people not to vote.

  9. It is legal to not vote because of the 1st Amendment.

    Even if legal, is it good citizenship? No.

    But then, to me, if  the voting level is a measure of citzenship across society, and the purpose of education is to create good and effective citizens, then it is also a fair question to ask how we managed to let so many  people reach voting age uneducated!

  10. because it is our most important right ever. we do it or not.

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