
Why is nothing written in the bible about Jesus birthday being celebrated, nor any other faithful person?

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The only two recordings of persons birthday celebrations ended in sad results. And they were both kings who had faithful people killed. One person's head was placed on a platter as a 'gift' for one of the kings. Whose head? John the baptist. Why would the bible record birthday parties like this if Jesus evidently didn't even get a 1 Year Old birthday celebration? Can you show me in the bible where he did? Thanks!




  1. If Jesus wanted His birthday celebrated His actual birthday wouldve been recorded in the Bible (Its not anywhere near Dec. 25th). There is nothing regarding specific dates 2 be celebrated by true believers under the NT covenant (that was only done under the structure of the OT law). The only thing 2 be celebrated by true believers every day is the life of Christ (His death & resurrection - communion isnt 4 a specific day of the week), true rest or Sabbath is Heaven 4 those who get there.

    Whoever seeks Jesus Christ with all his heart & soul will find Him (u shall know the truth & it will set u free). But u can lead a horse 2 water but u cant make them drink. Why should God want u 2 live with Him forever if u dont want 2 know Him (reason 4 free will - Jn 1:12-13)? The truth of God remains forever while things of a man dies with him, including his religions & gods made in his image. Theres everlasting hope only in Jesus Christ.


  2. Jesus told us to celebrate his death, not his birth. Religion today follows the pagan worship/festivals. In Egypt, the son of Isis, the Egyptian title for the queen of heaven, was born at this very time, "about the time of the winter solstice." The very name by which Christmas is popularly known among ourselves-Yule-day, proves at once its Pagan and Babylonian origin. "Yule" is the Chaldee name for an "infant" or "little child", and as the 25th of December was called by our Pagan Anglo-Saxton ancestors, "Yule-day" or the "Child's day". Far and wide, in the realms of Paganism, was the birth-day observed. And in Arabian worship it was celebrated for the Moon God, not the Sun god, so on and so on. Through out the Bible the true God(Psalms 83:18) says how disgusting to him it was for anyone to worship the sun or the moon gods. What I wonder is how does the true God think of all the people today that celebrate the birth day of the Sun god and/or Moon god that has a religious mask put on it?

  3. You, my friend are absolutely correct.

    That is exactly why we, as Jehovah's Witnesses choose to keep our worship pure by refraining from celebrating our birthdays.

    We choose to only put God & His Son on high... not humans on earth.

  4. I guess this maybe tells you something about how God views our celebrating of birth days.

    When I answered this question I did not know it was a JW question. But no matter, as my answer would still have been the same.

    If you don't mind, I would like to welcome you to R&S. I am sure you will want to keep your celebration to a minimum! Congratulations on your first question. It is a good one. Hope you enjoy yourself here. It can be rough at times, but it can be rewarding too :)

  5. The Bible was written for other reasons.

    (Whose was the other birthday celebration?)

  6. People confuse celebrating a BIRTH and commemorating it in form of a birthday celebration.

    Jesus' birth was celebrated, just the way everyone is happy when there is a new addition to the family.

    But you don't keep doing it over and over again each year. Well, at least the faithful one of old didn't.

  7. The birth of Jesus is in the Bible it can be found at Matthew 1:18 and

    also in Luke 1:26 and Jesus did have a birthday celebration indeed.

  8. did you forget that when the baby was born, it started a journey of wise men, that took 2 years for them to reach him.  If it was not an important day to celebrate, they would not have bothered, making that long journey. Can I ask you why it is so bad to recognize Jesus' birthday?  For those of us who believe, if He had not had a BIRTH day, He would not have had a day that He would have been about to DIE for our sins, and RISE again to give us life and hope everlasting.  

  9. Could it be because the celebrating of birth dates

    are Not to be celebrated?

    Fact: That the only 2 recorded accounts

    of these celebrations were of those whom

    were not servants of Jehovah.

    Puts birth date celebrations in a bad light;

    an unfavorable position?;

    Wouldn't you agree?


    Do all parties please God?

    Do you like to have parties? I know, I do.

    They can be lots of fun.

    Do you think the Great Teacher would want us to go to parties?

    Well, he went to what could be called a party when someone got married,

    and some of his disciples went with him.

    Jehovah is "the happy God," so He is pleased when we enjoy ourselves at good parties. 1 Tim 1:11; John 2:1-11

    After Jehovah parted the Red Sea,

    to let the Israelites pass through,

    the people sang and danced and gave thanks to Jehovah.

    It was like a party.

    The people were very happy,

    and we can be sure that God was happy too. Ex 15:1, 20,21

    Nearly 40 years later, the Israelites went to another big party.

    This time the people that invited them did not even worship Jehovah.

    In fact, the people who invited them even bowed down to worship other gods and would have s*x relations with people they were not married to.

    Well, Jehovah was not pleased,

    and He punished the Israelites.~~ Nu 25:1-9; 1 Cor 10:8

    The 2 birthday parties that were recorded, were neither of

    them to celebrate the birth of the Great Teacher.

    1 as you mentioned, was for King Herod;

    who had John the Baptizer's head chopped off,

    and served on a platter. Mark 6:17-29

    The other was for a King of Egypt.

    During this party also, the King had someone's head chopped off.

    Then, after that, he hung the man up for the birds to eat! Ge 40:19-22

    Do you think God approved of those two parties?

    Would you have wanted to be at them?

    We know everything in the Bible is there for a reason.

    And at both these parties bad things were done as part of the celebration.

    So, what would you say that God is telling us about birthday parties?

    Does God want us to celebrate birthdates?

    It is true that at such parties today, people do not chop off someone's head.

    But the whole idea of celebrating birthdate parties strated with people who do not worship the true God.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia says about birthdate celebrations mentioned in the Bible:

    "Only sinners....make great rejoicings over the day they were born."

    The importance of always doing what God approves is also shown at

    Prov 12:2; John 8:29; Rom 12:2; and 1 John 3:22.

  10. Clearly YAHOSHUA was born during the feast of Tabernacles.  Evidently YHVH did not want the birthday celebrated.

  11. What we really celebrate is that the Savior has been born. By the way, they named Him Jesus.

  12. They were all taught as children Eccles. 7:1 which says, "A name is better than good oil, and the day of death than the day of one’s being born. "

    Meaning at one's birth, he has done nothing worthy of praise except show up which is more work for the mother.  At death, a life time of accomplishments have been done.  So none of them were into birthdays.  Only pagans were.

    No faithful men or women of God ever recorded celebrating any birthdays.

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